Job Seekers Take Note....

- Never wear blue jeans covered with the frosted outline of marijuana leaves to any prospective employer's place of business. You might as well be smoking a joint.
- If you don't have a phone of any kind, leaving your ex-wife's number is probably not a good idea. She might not be aware that you are seeking employment and I do not want to talk to her about your lazy ass being behind on child support payments. Be a man and take care of your kids you shitass.
- A misdemeanor or felony will not necessarily disqualify you from employment. However, advising me that you will soon be a "Guest of the State" will.
- Part-time employees only get one kind of vacation...permanent vacation when they don't show up for work.
- If you have a problem with $7.25 and hour, then sell your brand new Chrysler 300M or go work somewhere else.
- When negotitating a job offer for manager-in-training, it is generally considered inappropriate to ask for ownership in the company.
- Financial statements, by and large, are not shared with employees, let alone applicants. Kindly do not ask for copies.
- I'll tell you when you will be scheduled for a shift.
- If you are 18 years of age or older, you do not need your mother to accompany you to the interview and answer questions for you unless you are a deaf-mute.