All the people/places/things you love to hate...

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I don't know where in the world I found this clip nor do I know who created it, but it is pretty damn prizey. Click here for the muppet.

Gumby's Rule of Buses

The greater the distance travelled on a tour bus, the higher the probability that someone will defecate on the bus.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I hate minced garlic

Can anyone please tell me why a restaurant would want to add profane amounts of minced garlic their board of fare? Is it because it's cheap? Do people really like it or do they just have hemorrhoids for tastebuds?

I don't mind a bit of fresh garlic thrown in to spice up Mexican or Italian, but this jar full of minced ass doesn't do food any favors. I would like to appeal to all chefs out there to try and cook with some herbs and spices other than garlic if for no other reason than to demonstrate that you can actually create flavor using the main ingredients.

I must admit that part of my distaste for garlic in a jar stems from a bachelor party from which I was fortunately absent. The whole affair was a bunch of dudes cooped up in a cabin somewhere playing truth or dare, the kind of place that friends of mcdougals friends would be really happy. Anyway, one of the dares was for the bachelor in question to eat an entire wholesale club-sized jar of minced garlic. To his credit, he nailed the entire jar, juice and all. I heard second hand from his now wife that he stank for weeks from the garlic seeping out of his pours. The though of smelling like garlic for a week makes my huzz. Anyway, I fucking hate jarred garlic.

Monday, October 03, 2005

If a Miller Product were a Pontiac Car...

Miller High Life
Miller Genuine Draft
Miller Lite
Red Dog
The Beast
Old English 800