All the people/places/things you love to hate...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

new hatin'

I am shocked that anyone would bother linking to this wretched piece of filth, but it seems that my compadre, Todd A, has thrown up a link on his much more substantial and better-written blog. Therefore I feel obligated to proceed with a half-assed update of a few new things that I hate:

- Fox's The War At Home
- All professional ice stakers
- Roanoke, VA
- The McRib sandwich
- A-Rod (the baseball player)
- Karen who works at Kinko's and has a HUGE fucking attitude problem
- Amsouth bank

That is all my pathetic mind can muster for now. Stay tuned for more outrageous hate getting throw around with reckless abandon.


Blogger Luchy72 said...

"The War At Home" is likely being cancelled. So you won't have to hate it much longer.

Fuck Karen.

6:45 AM

Blogger Robert A. Ganoosh said...

Why do you hate the McRib?

6:47 PM

Blogger Astro said...

That's good news "The War At Home" might get shut down. I'll have to get geared up to hate the next Michael Rapaport effort. He's terrible.

I was at a McDonalds about 6 years ago and was talking to a McRib sandwich. When I asked him why he had fake rib bones, the dude got all loud with me and sucker punched me in the face. Not very cool. Ever since then I've had it out for McRib. The Fish Sandwich better watch the fuck out, too.

2:23 PM

Blogger Astro said...

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2:37 PM


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