I hate it when I don't update the blog
Recently I've been dabbling in a new career field as a cartographer. I love the shit out of maps so I thought I could just draw one or two and get published or something. So far here is what I've got. National Geographic won't return my calls....

Pretty sweet, huh? I figure it's just a matter of minutes before some huge deal from somewhere comes through. I think I'll go ahead and lease that Geo Tracker I've been wanting for the last 6 years.
I think I recognized Big Ben on that map. You're off to a fine start. Don't listen to what Eric says. He never had an eye for this sort of thing. Not like I do.
3:14 AM
Dude ... I followed your map and it led me to a place I was not supposed to be (according to the police).
2:09 PM
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