I haven't been able to attend to my award winning blog here thanks to TJ Fucking Hooker. Dickhead pulled me over 2 weeks ago for driving while under the influence of alcohol. He was going to let me off until he realized Color Me Badd was blaring from the stereo. Apparently
I Wanna Sex You Up was TJ and Poncherello's song and when Ponch big-timed him for Detective Scully, he soured on CMB in a violent way. That damn Hooker really let me have it. Had I not polished off that 30-pack of Schaeffer (fyi, Schaeffer is the beer to drink when your having more than one) I might have faired better than I did. If I've learned anything from this nasty little episode it's this: I hate TJ Hooker...and that the deminimus amount of lead Schaeffer uses in lieu of hops, will in point of fact, lessen police brutality if consumed in such reasonable quantities of up to 360 oz.
Damn you, Gumby. I don't know who you are.
9:18 AM
heather locklear was for sure. She was really the reason I watched that show. She's a super hottie for a 40 something woman.
I'm all over your MO, FOM. As the infamous Ed Rooney once said, "The game is up, your ass is mine!" Except I can't spit coke on you through a straw.
8:29 AM
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