I hate that Sportcenter Anchor...

Every other major network has stables full of hot AND talented women. Why is this so difficult? ESPN is the most influential cable station known to man -- they have a market cap just north of France's annual GDP -- and they give us Linda fucking Cohn, a bad-hair Jersey snaggletooth so profoundly bad it makes me want to shoot warm tequilla through my nose.
Do you realize that LC has never, ever come up with a catch phrase, something even every other single sportcenter anchor, no matter how pedestrian, has accomplished. But not Linda. She's a fucking butcher. In 2002, LC had this interesting piece of shit to say:
Virtually every word uttered on the "SportsCenter" set is written by the anchors themselves. "I love bringing that up," Cohn said, "because people don't believe it."
Oh we believe it, Linda, we believe it.
Craig Kilborn's Sportscenter catch phrase was "Jumanji". Say what you will about LC, but at least she has the good sense to know better that to try forcing a catch phrase that will never work.
12:27 PM
My phrase would be some kind of two-word combo ... like:
Anal Flustering
Sotted Muck
Spotted Duck
Hibiscus Trimmer
Liquid Stool
Jack Flacket
Grievous Nipple
(I think I would also use one of these for a band name.)
3:42 PM
Grievous Nipple is the best one for a Sportscenter catch phrase. I can really picture that... Someone crushes a home run and "Grievous Nipple!!!!
Jack Flacket would be best as a band name. Maybe "Jack Flacket and the Shrapnelles".
2:37 PM
Did Gumby die in a refinery accident?
1:46 PM
She does have some mouth issues, doesn't she. Maybe we can trade her to Canada for a case of Molsen Export and some Tim Horton's crullers.
2:25 PM
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